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Jeep’s history
    “Jeep” is a mark of vehicles, that is being producing by a company «Fiat Chrysler Automobiles». It had been established by American engineer and manufacturer Arthur Herrington. A branch of the American Concern named “Chrysler” specialized in a producing cars with increased all-terrain travel capability. In fact, the headquarter is being located in Detroit (Michigan).
    Actually, the American firm called “Willy’s” had been brought a popularity for Jeep. Exactly a model of war time - American Jeep makes possible to include a Willy’s to a number of the biggest vehicles company. In the 1942, the “Willy’s” started a mass production of cars with a mark “Willy’s MB” and “Ford GPW”. The cars of two firms were exactly indistinguishable from each other. That models had a standard motor Willy’s 77 and three-level gear box. A rover had been accommodated approximately 4 people inside; were weighted more than 1 tone and can develop a speed until 105 kilometers for an hour.
    By summarizing a results of company’s activity, «Willy’s» had been produced more than 360 thousand Jeeps, most part of which was joined in the Red Army. Ford made less than 270 thousand cars.
    In the 1970, the company called «Jeep» were become a subsidiary of the Willy’s. Also it had been included in the membership of “American Motors”. Then in the 1983, “American Motors” was created an absolutely new rover. In the beginning it named “Jeep Cherokee”.
    But what actually was brought the popularity to the facility is a new model “Grand Cherokee” in the 2001. Up to now, those car is really in demand. So it was modernized and now it is producing with a brand-new V8. Engine of 4.7-liter capacity, with a power of 235 hp. It generally agreed that updated vehicle is one of the best all-wheel-drive vehicle and he has an extraordinary dynamism.
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The jeep is first of all freedom, the jeep is America!